> life is for fullfing dreams or dreams are filling the life: celor ce dorim sa le iubim cu adevarat


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

celor ce dorim sa le iubim cu adevarat


stateai in fata gandului meu fara vlaga
cand ai oprit sacrificand generoasa o clipa
visarea mirata a privirii mele s-a pierdut in clipa ta
am indraznit sa deschid pentru tine bratele sufletului meu
ritmul bataii inimii a erupt ca un pasional tango spaniol
acompaniind torid frematarea descatusata a trupului tau
am urcat privind doar in adancul misterios al ochilor tai
treptele foarte inguste ale dorintei ce se talazuia
flamanda si zbuciumata spre pieptul si buzele tale
ti-am privit fata doar usor ascunsa de parul rebel al cochiliei sentimentelor
m-ai privit zambind in visarea asteptarii
cu ochii trupului larg deschisi de mirare
si cu un oftat de abandonare suava in mana taifunului destin
ai pecetluit cu buzele naravase si incandescente
strunite de nerabdare pana la sangerare
printr-un larg sarut iesirea sufletului meu din portul iubirii
s-a auzit vesmantul dorintei tale cazand ca un lant de ancora greu strunit
peste bordul corabiei fara busola a sufletului meu
bratele tale marmorate au ridicat drapelul iubirii
pe inaltimea atat de mult insingurata si trista
a bucuriei uitate de mult in spatele obrajilor mei
cu un supin am simtit vibratia ancorii fericirii
eliberandu-mi greutatea indoielilor gandite de ani
penetrand cu o zvacnire furioasa nisipul cimentat al gandurilor
stanca solida a mintii a oftat si ea primind dornica de intelegere
declaratia de iubire a unui corabier mereu calator...
ce a gasit destinatia vietii de atatea ori abandonata
ridicandu-se brusc ca o ceata alungata de soare

s-a implinit un nesperat si departat vis ...

deasupra corabiei  mele inecata in ceata ganurilor gri

o vraja incapatanata si adanca s-a risipit

fata din visul ascuns al corabierului

purificata in lacrimi fierbinti din nopti de rugaciune

  a urcat ca o fastuoasa binemeritata stapana la bord


m said...


standing before my thought languidly
when you stop in front me sacrificing generous a moment
My astonished eyes get lost in your given moment
I dared to open arms of you my soul
heartbeat rhythm erupted as a passionate tango Spanish
accompanying the torrid passion who start to unlock your body
I just got the deep mysterious eyes
very narrow stairs to the surge of desire
Flemish and troubled to breast and lips
I watched your face hidden by hair only slightly rebellious feelings of shell
I've seen smiling in the dream waiting
body with wide open eyes of wonder
and with a sigh of sweet surrender typhoon destiny in hand
of habit and incandescent sealed lips
bridled with anticipation until the bleeding
a large kiss released from my soul harbor of love
your desire to hear garment fell like a heavy anchor chain bridle
board the ship without a compass over my soul
marbled your arms raised the flag of love
the height so much lonely and sad
forgotten much joy behind my cheeks
I felt a vibration of love anchor giving moan of happiness
I thought releasing the weight of years of doubts
penetrating sand cemented with a twitch of angry thoughts
rock solid mind and she sighed getting keen understanding
statement sailors always love a traveler ...
he found life so many times abandoned destination
sharply rising sun as a fog thrown

has reached an unexpected and far dream ...

My ship drowned in the mist above gray thoughts

a stubborn and deep spell wasted

sailors dream girl hidden

purified hot tears of night prayer

climbed as fluffy as a master on board deserved

mc said...

superb ! sublim ! specific tie ! :)

just in case of 911

le multumesc celor care au pierdut timp pretios din viata lor ca sa-mi asculte gandurile

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