because we get dependence about habit and environment
if we were in a glass house, protected from outside world , with plenty food ...than looks that we get escape from any kind of fear...
staying in a glass house mean that we are not any more usefully in this world.this retired attitude is our end of personal life..
on the other hand staying in open world to life waves is not easy...
but what is the key of being fearless...
one small and very neglected step...
to escape from our costumer life escape from dependence..related particular food..particular fashion..particular weather on...
dropping most of all of our habits ...we do not need especially something..and so life become easy ...we can thus escape from unwanted "missing something" phenomena...
the key of fearless life is to avoid any but ANY dependence as much as is possible
perhaps than we can became real us not a puppet in a market strategy show...
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