> life is for fullfing dreams or dreams are filling the life


Monday, June 14, 2010

ce poate fi mai frumos decat un copil in natura

complexitatea geniala si generoasa a mamei naturi veghind calma asupra unui copil in drumul lui spre maturitate

doua elemente de care NOI OAMENII ne indepartam pe zi ce trece parca cu tot mai mare inconstienta...

un venerabil batran spunea ca fericirea nu poate fi masurata dar ea are totusi  un semn prin care o recunoastem fata de bucuria unei stari mai deosebite.

LACRIMILE de fericire ,lacrimile de bucurie arata ca in sufletul nostru o raza a ajuns din inaltime legand mana noastra de mana Universala si sufletul nostru s-a umplut ca un vas avid dupa continut de imensitatea beatitudine a unei stari ce numai prin lacrimi de bucurie poate fi subliniata

sa nu uitam...

natura ...

sa nu uitam ...


sa nu ne uitam pe noi....

1 comment:

m said...

what could be more beautiful than a child among nature

brilliant and generous complexity of mother nature on ensuring calm a child's journey to adulthood

children and nature two elements that we humans are moving away with every passing day and seems to be more worst ...

a venerable old saying that happiness can not be measured but it is still a sign that we recognize a state of this so special joy

Tears .if occurred tears of joy, tears of joy give the sign that in our soul came a beam that tight our hands and our soul with the Universal hand.Our soul as a bowl filled hungry content of a state of immense bliss that only tears of joy can be highlighted

do not forget ...

nature ...

do not forget ...

Children ...


just in case of 911

le multumesc celor care au pierdut timp pretios din viata lor ca sa-mi asculte gandurile

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